Mobilink Plans For Another Round of Layoffs

Mobilink Plans For Another Round of Layoffs
Restructuring at Mobilink has entered in its next round where more employees are going to see the exit doors, most probably tomorrow evening.
Mobilink said that its aim is to fine-tune organization�s productivity with right-sizing the head-count to ultimately relieve pressure from increasing operating expenditure, which has become a major concern for VimpelCom.
It appears that group level brunt is now going to be borne by the Mobilink employees in Pakistan, which contributes major part of revenues for Moscow based VimpelCom group.
Our well placed sources tell that  Mobilink has plans to off-load at least two dozen employees from finance department this time, from the head office and other regions. Moreover, another few dozens employees from technical department are also going to lose their jobs with-in next few weeks.
Not to forget that at least 30 employees from sales department were shown the doors just last Friday. This was in addition to over 250 employees that were fired from Technical department with-in last six months.
Our sources say that restructuring has caused various positions at Mobilink to become redundant. For instance the finance tasks at various channels are now being handled by customer support people leaving finance guys to become almost valueless for the company.
Similarly, there are other efforts being made to add more functions and responsibilities for some of the staff to ultimately off-load the remaining work-force. Outsourcing technical department was part of the same strategy.
While there is no denying of the fact that Telecom industry is not in its best times these days (see financial reports of telcos for elaboration), however, such massive lays-off are definitely going to worsen the already weakening economy of the country.

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